Jilin teaching competition 73-93 defeat Nanjing Tongxi three games two teams win one flat one loss

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On July 26, 2023, the third teaching competition between Northeast Tiger and Nanjing Tongxi of Jiutai Agricultural and Commercial Bank of Jilin was held in Northeast Tiger sports center of Changchun City. Northeast Tiger of Jilin Jiutai Agricultural Commercial Bank lost to Tongxi in Nanjing 73-93. In the recent three teaching competitions, both teams have achieved one victory, one ping and one negative record. Jilin Northeast Tiger team started Li ‘An, Jiang Weize, Wu Changze, Geng Mingyi and Cai linhan. Nanjing Tongxi coach xireli River started and played in every game. After the opening, the scores rose alternately. The West heat River sent out several assists and scored in the account. The two sides rotated in a large scale in this section. The first section ended Jilin 21-30 Nanjing Tongxi. In the second section, Ding Haoran and Wu Changze cooperated with each other in a tacit understanding. Although Xirelijiang was able to send out a wonderful story, the shooting rate of the players was not high. Jilin took the opportunity to narrow the score difference to one place, and then the lineups of both sides continued to rotate, the number of mistakes made by Jilin team increased. Nanjing Tongxi once again expanded its leading edge. The first half ended 37-54 Nanjing Tongxi in Jilin. In the second half, the players from both sides made full appearances and continued to practice the lineup. In the third quarter of the war, Jilin 52-74 Nanjing Tongxi, and finally Jilin Jiutai Agricultural and Commercial Bank Northeast Tiger 73-93 lost to Nanjing Tongxi.
