Inspector: Not only does Zhou Qi have too many distractions because of his poor state

0 2 min 1 yr

Live broadcast bar on August 14, China reversed Super Cup 69-68 against New Zealand men’s basketball on the Sino-German Basketball men’s basketball. After the game, inspector Zhao, the media man @ ball ring, issued a document talking about Zhou Qi, the men’s basketball Chinese player. The content is as follows: Zhou Qi played 24 minutes 2 seconds Today. He scored 3 free throws in 6 and 9 in 14, and got 15 points, 4 rebounds and 1 assist in 2 cap. Although it was said that he scored second in the team and finally helped the team win with defense and penalty basket, I was very dissatisfied with his status and worried. Today, he couldn’t enter in the empty basket twice. He walked behind the basket. Facing the NBL-level opponent, his ability was much lower than that of his Phoenix team. During the warm-up match in Europe, Zhou Qi’s strongest presence was facing Cape Verde’s center Tavares, who was called one of the strongest insiders in the European league, but did not take advantage of Zhou Qi, on the contrary, Zhou Qi scored more than him. At that time, China won a 20-point victory men’s basketball. However, except for this game, Zhou Qi did not play the performance that the core of men’s basketball should have in the warm-up match. To be sure, Zhou Qi’s play in the World Cup is crucial to himself, China’s men’s basketball and China’s basketball, which determines whether he can successfully return to CBA in the future, can China men’s basketball go straight to the Paris Olympics, China’s basketball market, etc. But unfortunately, Zhou Qi is not only in poor condition, but also distracted him too much. He just asks not to repeat the mistakes in 2019……
